administration bill

英 [ədˌmɪnɪˈstreɪʃn bɪl] 美 [ədˌmɪnɪˈstreɪʃn bɪl]




  1. The administration has now endorsed the bill and can't turn back.
  2. He said his administration is continuing talks with legislative leaders to move forward on a bill when they return to Capitol Hill Wednesday.
  3. The Obama administration has said it will seek to block a controversial bill describing as genocide the World War I killing of Armenians by Turks.
  4. That year the administration of president Bill Clinton bought euros to support the European currency.
  5. Having failed in the past four years to make a sustained argument on Capitol Hill for the IMF deal, the Obama administration is now linking it to a bill that would authorise a$ 1bn loan guarantee for Ukraine.
  6. The issue of online privacy has drawn increasing concerns from consumers, and the Obama administration has called for a privacy bill of rights that would give users more control over their data.
  7. The Obama administration has indicated that President Barack Obama would veto any bill that gave Congress more control over monetary policy.
  8. The new administration would introduce a bill to promote wider use of private medical care.
  9. The administration should be open to making concessions to get the bill through.
  10. During the Clinton administration, at a time when Robert Rubin, then Treasury secretary, was demanding tighter budgets to get down interest rates, one of Bill Clinton's advisers said: When I come back in my next life I want to be the bond market.
  11. Expectations are low for a US-brokered summit between Israeli and Palestinian leaders later this month, even though Bush administration officials describe it as the highest level of engagement between the two sides since Bill Clinton's presidency.
  12. As financial institution after institution accepts public sector support, the cost to the Treasury rises but this is an election year and the next administration will pay the bill.
  13. The Bush administration's farm bill proposal will aid in getting the stalled Doha round of world trade talks going, even before it passes, Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns said last week.
  14. One of these compromises includes shelving the administration's intention of passing an energy bill this year.
  15. They point out that under the administration of bill clinton, the EPA decided that it did have the authority to regulate co2.
  16. The administration staged a vigorous drive for the new aid bill.
  17. If you include the administration's fiscal plans, this implies a deficit increase way in excess of 10 trillion dollars over the next decade the numbers are deeply alarming, said Bill Gale, a senior economist at the Brookings Institution.
  18. On March 16th the Obama administration announced that it intends to work with Congress to produce "a privacy bill of rights" giving American consumers greater control over how their information is collected and used by digital marketers.
  19. The Obama administration insisted yesterday that North Korea still faced isolation even as it emerged that the White House was deeply involved in Bill Clinton's trip to Pyongyang this week, which secured the release of two US journalists.
  20. In 1996, the Administration published the proposals of the new planning legislation in the form of a White Bill for public consultation.
  21. That occurred in the US in 1993 and ultimately compelled the administration of Bill Clinton to focus on reducing the budget deficit.
  22. Indeed, a key question for the Obama administration will be what kind of policy currency in which to present the bill and whether Tokyo even has the capacity to cough up.
  23. I thank members of Congress from both sides of the aisle for working with my Administration to pass this important bill, and I will be honored to sign it into law next week.